Offering a wide range of Waxing Services

Waxing Services for Gilbert Residents




Grow hair to at least 1/4 of an inch (grain of rice) Exfoliate area one day before. Take an anti-inflammatory the day of. It's also advised that you stop using any acid products or retinol 3 to 4 days before your waxing appointment.

Extended Bikini

The bikini extended wax removes more hair than the simple bikini line. This service removes hair from the sides of the bikini area, and a thin line of hair from the labia. The majority of the hair on the labia will not be removed.

**The extended bikini line wax will also include waxing between the butt cheeks.


Do you get razor bumps? A bikini wax can help give you long-lasting effects and smooth results.

**A Bikini wax is a basic tidying; we wax the sides (called your panty line) and across the top. If you're wearing a bikini, this will prevent any hairs from "peeking out".